Interview with Dave Oxley

less than 1 minute read

Dave Oxley

Twitter: @oxleymeister



Where are you in your testing journey?

A long way through it. Currently working as a security architect. On the way through I’ve been a developer, support, tester, QA, QA manager through to Quality Director. The latter role allowed me to get involved in the development side of the house, pushing the bug finding (and more importantly - fixing!) as close to the code generation as possible.

The best bug you have ever found?

A bug in the old email gateway - A change to the SSH settings, broke the connection to the on box database. In theory there was no relation between the two, turns out they was a big connection!

Advice you would give to Testers?

There is no stupid question - ask away. If you need to repeat a question, think about how it is received and rephrase it accordingly

What does winning mean to you?

In QA terms, we find the more complex bugs. That meant I had to put in work to find the bug. There’s no sense of achievement finding a bug as soon as you open the product.
