Interview with Elias Nogueira

1 minute read

Elias Nogueira

Twitter: @eliasnogueira



Where are you in your testing journey?

I’m working in the IT area since 1999 and specifically with my passion, Software Testing, since 2007. During this journey, I started to share what I was learning, and I didn’t stop.

Currently, I’m working as a Principal Software Engineer helping my company and all the engineers to deliver high-quality.

The best bug you have ever found?

This bug I’ve found, helping a mobile team to show the value of testing in different areas, was interesting. We created tests in different layers for the mobile apps, and we were running them into the continuous delivery pipeline. We had added a few set of UI tests into the build process, and the mobile developers were complaining about the build time.

One day they (mobile devs) had disabled the UI tests from the build (that was consuming only 1 min to run 3 smoke tests in parallel) and the QAs from that team didn’t anything.

One week later, the customer started to complain telling us that the main functionality wasn’t working, and one of the smoke tests they disabled was doing exactly the verification to give us the confidence to deliver the mobile app.

That functionality was transitioning millions of dollars every day, so they understood the importance of testing in a different layer and, manly, never disable a test that is “time-consuming”

Advice you would give to Testers?

Share everything you learn with your colleagues and help them to understand how important is to deliver software with different quality attributes. If you want to go a little bit further, share what you have learned, and is learning, with the community.

Also, don’t be afraid to learn anything. As our role is changing we need to reinvent ourselves every time.

What does winning mean to you?

It means I could help someone to either solve a problem or learn something new.
